Smarter Science

The Optimal Posture Performance

Suitable for all ages! The 360 Trainer promotes good posture by keeping the back in a neutral position and provides a total body workout.

Better Posture

A low intensity, warm-up

for before running and recovery for after running the Cycle 360 Trainer is the perfect warmup


A high intensity exercise regimen

that doesn’t burn out users so they can maintain a sustained effort at the limits of the anaerobic threshold


Simulates running techniques and decreases the risk of injuries

By building the User’s strength in a low impact workout, Users will strengthen the muscles that will improve their performance and decrease the risk of injury when they do run on a variety of surfaces.


The Cycle360Trainer design allows the user to change positions

and to maintain a more natural upright stance that mimics running with less stress and strain


Users can maintain rehabilitate running induced stress and overuse injuries

while maintaining muscular strength and endurance that would otherwise be lost


Develops the intense anaerobic strength

required for running hills and sprinting while minimizing the injury risk that may come with high intensity training

Sports And Cardiovascular Performance Benefits


Activates pelvic muscles, the most powerful group of muscles in the body that are key to the efficient use of a person’s upper and lower extremities.


The flexibility to be a superior training tool for all sports. The Cycle360Trainer design allows Users to emphasize any sport specific balance position, which will improve overall body function (strength, flexibility, conditioning) with the tailor the workout to enhance key anatomic regions.


Users can derive significant benefits in little time while undertaking physical rehabilitation, athletic cross-training or cardiovascular exercise.


Works across a larger cross section of skeletal musculature moving all joints through a natural range of motion against a constant force of applied resistance (agonistically and antagonistically).

Rehabilitation Benefits


Minimal joint impact and low soft tissue stress limits the risk of stress injuries


Provides the most beneficial environment for injury rehabilitation by enhancing repair functions of the body while increasing strength, range of motion, and restoring the rest of the body regardless of the injury being treated


Superior aerobic workout resulting in higher oxygen consumption


Can dramatically increase muscle tone and boost cardiovascular endurance

I couldn’t believe how hard I worked. How many calories I burned and I felt great! But what was even more amazing, the next day I felt no pain.


Once I got on the bike I was sold. I was addicted. I feel a renewed sense of energy when I get off the bike.


Multi functional design provides users a great cardio & resistance workout!


Smarter Science

Disadvantages Of Seated Cycling

When compared to Cycle360Trainers, other exercise equipment has the following disadvantages:

Stationary Bikes involve prolonged seating and bursts of standing which puts significant stress on the lower back

Prevent pelvic muscles from working at their full potential due to sitting on the bike seat (posterior tilt). This often results in gluteus maximus deactivation, a common prerequisite to back pain

Limits an ability to exercise the upper body through a natural range of motion

The prolonged flexion of the hips and back in seated cycling does not allow the joints to push in the high R.P.M., increasing the stress to joints and soft tissue.

Twisting and flexion of the spine encourages spinal degeneration and pain.

Smarter Science

Disadvantages Of Stair Climbers

These machines also provide no ability to work the strongest muscle group of the body, the hip flexors, against a resistance

The prolonged flexion of the hips and back in seated cycling does not allow the joints to push in the high R.P.M., increasing the stress to joints and soft tissue.

Stair climbers utilize a limited recruitment of the upper body muscles. The hand holds on these machines are primarily designed to assist the user in maintaining their balance, but have provided a convenient means of supporting a users’ weight thereby decreasing the benefits of use of the machine in the first instance

These machines invoke a very limited motion of the thorax

Disadvantages Of Treadmills

When using a Treadmill, it is almost impossible to exercise the upper body through a full range of motion or against resistance. The draw pulleys and pull arms available are very limited and are will not provide the full body workout required by many types of rehabilitation, athletic training and cross-training

Treadmills involve very high impact stresses on joints and soft tissue

Disadvantages Of Elliptical Trainers

Repeated flexion and twisting of the spine is known scientifically to encourage degeneration and cause pain

The Elliptical positions your body in extensive forward flexion, it is detrimental to someone with existing lower back injuries

Elliptical participants adopt a more flexed posture than compared to the Cycle360Trainer​

The elliptical trainer twisted more backs when walking, despite changing the variables such as speed and stride length​

Disadvantages Of Rowing Machines

These machines are difficult to learn and to operate. The pelvis is supported by a seat which virtually disengages the optimal use of pelvic muscles. This results is deactivation of the gluteus maximus

Rowing in a prolonged flexed position stresses the lower back​

Like many other machines, rowers engage a disproportionate upper body requirement in its use​

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